
bridge pier

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bridge pier为短语/超纲词汇
1. Every time he reached the bridge, he had to stop his truck. He always had to show the officers all his papers.

2. For on November 21st, 1964, the longest suspension bridge in the world was named after him.

3. The two armies fought for control of the bridge.

4. They are walking over the bridge.

5. There is a detour because the bridge is broken.

6. The terrorists blew up the bridge with dynamite.

7. The bridge was repaired by the two states acting in fruitful cooperation.
    在两国富有成果的合作下, 大桥修建峻工。

8. The ship is going under the bridge.

9. They are walking over the bridge.

10. Their mission was to seize the bridge and overwhelm the garrison.
    他们的任务是占领桥头, 打垮驻军。
